Use of drone to aid in the evaluation of soybean trials: A mini-review
UAV, rural production, precision agriculture, technologyAbstract
Rural producers are increasingly investing in technologies that allow them to produce more in less time, without the need to increase the planting area or the amount of input used. To this end, the use of technology tools has guaranteed efficiency in productivity and improved time, labor and decision making. The development of technologies focusing on drones has contributed to land use analyzes in precision agriculture. The objective of this study is to discuss, through a literature review, the use of drones to help evaluate soybean trials. The results demonstrate that drones have been widely used in soybean cultivation with varied applications and excellent results. Drones have been used to improve production, environmental preservation, economic sustainability, savings in the acquisition of fertilizers and agricultural pesticides, for monitoring areas, among other contributions to rural areas, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the production process and resulting in production economy. The importance of carrying out studies to demonstrate the advantage of using drones in soybean cultivation and disseminating knowledge in rural areas is highlighted, bringing knowledge to producers about the chain of agents involved, ranging from manufacturers to the final consumer.
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