The use of drones in agriculture 4.0




precision agriculture, UAV, rural production, efficiency, monitoring


Precision agriculture is gaining more and more space in rural production, and drones have been a widely used technology in this context. Studies highlight that the use of drones in agriculture brings several benefits, such as improved efficiency in the use of inputs, cost reduction, increased productivity and profitability. Drones are able to collect real-time data and provide accurate information about plant health, allowing growers to make data-based decisions. Additionally, drones are capable of covering large areas of land in high resolution quickly and efficiently, allowing growers to monitor their crops in real time and identify problem areas that need immediate attention. In Brazil, current legislation requires authorization for the use of drones in rural areas, but initiatives are underway to improve regulation and make it easier to use drones in agriculture. Spraying with drones is a promising technique but requires specific care in relation to the preparation of the mixture, choice of equipment and definition of flight plans.


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How to Cite

Alarcão Júnior, J. C. de, & Nuñez, D. N. C. (2024). The use of drones in agriculture 4.0. Brazilian Journal of Science, 3(1), 1–13.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences

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