Withdrawal Policy

The Editorial Board of the journal in principle discourages the withdrawal of manuscripts submitted to the journal as it causes wastage of productive time and productive efficiency of the editors, reviewers, and others associated with the processing of the manuscript. The authors, therefore, should carefully assess the suitability of the requirements and policies of the BJS for their manuscript before submitting it to the journal.

A formal written request is required to be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief by the corresponding author for withdrawal of a manuscript, clearly stating the reasons for the withdrawal request. The request must be signed by all authors listed in the manuscript. Decision on the request shall be communicated to the corresponding author. However, in case a withdrawal request is received at any time after completion of the review process and/or communication of acceptance of a manuscript, the Editorial Board shall debar the author(s) from submitting a new manuscript for a maximum period of three years. The withdrawn article is archived in our database and not been further acted upon.