About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Brazilian Journal of Science - ISSN 2764-3417 (the abbreviated title is Braz. J. of Sci.) is a multidisciplinary open-access scientific journal published by Cerrado Publishing and is intended for the dissemination of original, unpublished technical-scientific works and scientific research in the areas.

The areas covered by the BJS are Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy, Agricultural Engineering, Forestry Engineering, and Animal Husbandry), Environmental Sciences (Biodiversity, Natural Resources, Environment, and Environmental Impacts), Biological Sciences (Biology, and interdisciplinarity), and Exact Sciences (Chemistry, and interdisciplinarity).

The periodicity is a continuous flow of publications and is open to receiving works from researchers from research, teaching, and extension institutions in Brazil and abroad. The journal accepts manuscripts in English and publishes several types of contributions, such as scientific articles, scientific notes and review articles.


Section Policies

Considering the classifications of areas and sub-areas of knowledge used in Brazil by the two main national scientific agencies (CAPES and CNPq), the Brazilian Journal of Science publishes research related to the following areas:

Agronomy: Phytochemistry; Weeds; Phytopathology; Soil chemistry; Fertility of plants and soils; Agrometeorology; Agricultural entomology; Soil effluents; Rural extension; Plant health; Phytotechnics; Floriculture and Landscaping.

Agricultural Engineering: Rural buildings; Water and soil engineering; Energy in rural areas; Processing of farm products; Agricultural machines and implements.

Forestry Engineering: Energy from forest biomass; Forest management; Forestry; Technology and use of forest products; Integration – Crop, Livestock and Forestry; Forestry techniques and operations.

Animal Husbandry (Zootechnia): Ecology of domestic animals; Ethology; Pasture and Forage; Animal production; Products – Meat, Milk, and Derivatives.

Environmental Sciences: Climatology, Meteorology, and Micrometeorology; Applied chemistry; Applied remote sensing; Effects of climate changes; Hydraulics and hydrology; Sanitary studies; Environmental biotechnology and natural resources; Bioprospecting of natural products; Applied ecology; Ecosystems; Bioremediation; Environmental conservation.

Biological Sciences: Cell biology; Ecology; Virology; Bacteriology; Mycology; Herpetology; General entomology; Parasitology; Botany; Histology – Plant, and Animal; Vertebrate and Invertebrate biology; Embryology – Animal; Animal Physiology; Plant Physiology; Biochemistry; Systematic – Plant; Maintenance of flora, fauna (natural and exotic); Zoology.

Chemistry: Chemistry of natural products; Pharmacochemistry; Physicochemical; Organic chemistry; Inorganic chemistry; Chemistry in the environment; Analytical Chemistry – Qualitative and Quantitative; Biochemistry; Crystallography; Identification of compounds; Purification and Isolation of compounds - Organic, Inorganic and Proteins; Biopolymers and antioxidants; Computational chemical modeling; Computational enzymatic modeling.


Declaration of Ethics and Best Practices in Publication

The journal Brazilian Journal of Science, ISSN 2764-3417, has scientific arbitration, whose objective is to guarantee ethical standards. We seek the agreement of those involved in the editorial process, composed of the editorial board, ad hoc reviewers, and authors, about good practices and ethical behavior. For that, our reference is the Code of Conduct and Standards of Good Practice for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) they require to:


  • Ensure the maintenance of good editorial practices.
  • Analyze the articles submitted and approve those that are in the scope of the journal Brazilian Journal of Science for the editorial flow, taking as a reference the thematic focus of the journal, the guidelines for publication, and legal aspects regarding defamation, copyright violations, and plagiarism.
  • Guarantee the protection of the identity of the authors and reviewers involved in the arbitration process.
  • To protect and protect intellectual property and authors' rights.
  • Ensure an anonymous article arbitration process (in our case: double-blind peer review most fairly and impartially possible, ensuring that the information remains confidential.
  • Guide Invited Editors, Authors, and Evaluators on the editorial flow and the peer review process, which involves meeting the journal's guidelines, submission, evaluation, and referrals.
  • Make an appropriate selection of evaluators.
  • Organize the list of evaluators and keep their data updated.
  • Ensure that unpublished materials in an article are not used in research and publications carried out by Editors or members of the Editorial Board without the consent of the authors.
  • Respond to questions related to a published article, regarding the possibility of editorial misconduct, following the guidelines of COPE.
  • Publish, when necessary, corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies.
  • Ensure the autonomy of editorial decisions.

Invited Editors:

  • Select and define the theme and scope of the special issue, as well as the schedule for submission and editorial flow.
  • Prepare the presentation of the special number.
  • Instruct authors in relation to the design of the issue and its editorial flow.
  • Check, and analyze the submitted articles and approve those that are within the scope of the issue to be processed in the editorial flow, taking as reference the conception, the guidelines for publication, and the legal aspects regarding defamation, copyright violations, and plagiarism.
  • To ensure, in collaboration with the Editors, an appropriate choice of reviewers for the articles.
  • The Editor and Editorial staff shall not share article-related information with anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, editorial board members, or the publisher as is required or otherwise appropriate.

'Ad hoc' Evaluators, Reviewers or Opinions:

  • Inform the Editors of your availability to evaluate an article.
  • Decline an invitation whenever you do not feel qualified to evaluate according to the topic addressed; the identification of aspects that lead to recognizing authorship; and/or if there is a conflict of interest.
  • Treat manuscripts as confidential documents, protecting intellectual property and authors' rights, keeping information confidential, and committing themselves not to use privileged information for their benefit, including in their research and / or publications.
  • To prepare the opinion based on good editorial practices about ethics, impersonality, and respect for human rights.
  • Inform the Editors of any identification of a violation of good practices, rights by the authors and / or practices of plagiarism.
  • A potential reviewer should withdraw from the review process if they cannot provide an assessment on time as defined by the editor.
  • Manuscripts for review must be considered confidential documents and information concerning the manuscripts should not be shared with anyone except as authorized by the editor.
  • Reviewers should strive to be objective in their assessments. Reviewers’ comments should be clearly expressed and supported by data or arguments. Personal criticism of the author(s) is inappropriate and not presented.
  • Reviewers should check relevant recent work that has not been cited by the authors. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported should be accompanied by the relevant citation. A reviewer should also call to the editor’s attention any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper of which they have personal knowledge.


  • The authors must know the focus, scope, and design of the journal Brazilian Journal of Science, as well as the guidelines for submission.
  • Ensure that the submitted article is original and when it comes to expanding the work published in the annals of a scientific event, ensure a consistent approach and significant analysis.
  • Elaborate the article based on good practices: in research and/or systematic study carried out, addressing and problematizing data coherently and presenting contributions to the multidisciplinary field.
  • It is the authors' obligation not to submit the article simultaneously to another journal.
  • Pay attention to the rules of the Research Ethics Committee of the institution to which the research portrayed in the article is linked when dealing with the involvement of human beings.
  • Ensure that there are no expressions or insertions that constitute plagiarism, as well as giving credit by citing sources of excerpts from other productions.
  • Ensure and ensure that the article has not been published in another journal and when it comes to translating an international publication, this information must appear on the first page of it.
  • Maintain communication with the Editors, including informing the need to correct some information in the published article.
  • The author should assign authorship only to those who have contributed significantly to the article's conception or development.
  • Authors' Contributions: the Brazilian Journal of Science supports the position taken by the ICMJE (Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors) regarding authorship. Each author must have made at least one of the following contributions to the completion of the manuscript: (1) conception and design, (2) acquisition of data, (3) analysis and interpretation of data, (4) drafting the article, and (5) critical review of important intellectual content. In addition, all authors must have made the following contribution: (6) final approval of the version to be published. A Declaration of Authorship Contributions signed by all authors must be sent as a supplementary file in the submission process. Up to “8” authors are accepted without the need for justification. In the case of a specific and detailed justification of the role of every author, more than “8” authors may be mentioned. Contributors and companies, who do not qualify as authors should be mentioned under


Promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusiveness within BJS Journal

Our editorial board composed of the Managing Editor-in-Chief, International Editor-in-Chief, and Associate Editor appoints several researchers to the specialized Editorial Boards (National and International). This is also reflected in our multi-national and inclusive workplace.

We are proud to create equal opportunities without regard to gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, religion, or socioeconomic status. There is no place for discrimination in our workplace and editors of BJS are to uphold these principles in high regard.


Editors and Editorial Staff as Authors

Editorial staff or editors shall not be involved in processing their academic work. Submissions authored by editorial staff/editors will be assigned to at least two independent outside reviewers. Decisions will be made by other Editorial Board Members who do not have a conflict of interest with the author.


Peer Review Process

The evaluation of Brazilian Journal of Science manuscripts is done in pairs by the Double Blind Review method, where each manuscript is evaluated by two external ad hoc reviewers, selected by specialty or affinity for the thematic content of the manuscript under consideration. The journal's reviewers are professors and researchers from renowned public and private teaching, research, and technology institutions in Brazil and worldwide.

After submission, the manuscript is evaluated by the ad hoc reviewers, who analyze, suggest corrections and improvements. Then the analysis is made by the editor, who resolves the cases of controversy, analyzes the opinions and decides on the refusal or acceptance of the manuscript.

After the editor's analysis, the manuscript is returned to the authors for the improvements suggested by the reviewers.

Finally, the author submits the final version of the manuscript, with its report of similarity detection software (possibly CopySpider). The final version will be sent within the definitive template of the journal.

The evaluation is blind, without the identification of the authors and ad hoc reviewers.

The time between receipt of the article and the first response of the reviewers is up to 60 days. The time between receipt and publication is up to 60-90 days.

Among the main advantages of the double-blind evaluation process adopted by the journal are:

a) ignorance of the identity of the author and the reviewer, guaranteeing impartiality in the evaluation;
b) greater credibility and prestige of evaluation processes;
c) improvement of the process of communication of the results of the research.


Publication Frequency

The Brazilian Journal of Science is published in the continuous publication model (12 editions per year). BJS also adopts advanced publishing in Early Access. 

To publicize works accepted for publication before the standard cycles of production and release of issues, in January 2023, the Brazilian Journal of Science implemented an “Early Access” option. Articles accepted for publication but scheduled for release in an upcoming issue will be displayed on the "Archives" page with the phrase "Early Access" along with the publication date so that the articles can be read and cited before their scheduled release in an upcoming issue. specific edition.

Articles published as Early Access are final full-text, peer-reviewed, edited articles made available to the public as soon as they are completed, and published online before being assigned to a volume and issue of the journal. Early access articles are considered fully complete, and once published online they are considered fully published and no further changes can be made by the authors. If there is an error in an article published as Early Access, it will need to be corrected with an errata. Early access articles are fully citable as they are given a DOI, which allows them to be cited and tracked. Once the article is assigned to an issue, the DOI remains the same and can continue to be used to cite the article.

Publication Cost (APC)

For Brazilian authors, the publication fee is BRL 200,00. For other authors, the publication fee is US$ 50.00. The publication fee is charged only for accepted papers. There is no submission fee.


Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.



This journal uses the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS systems to create a distributed file system between participating libraries and allows them to create permanent journal files for preservation and restoration.


Research with Humans (Men, Women, or Children)

The Brazilian Journal of Science does not allow the publication of studies with human beings (Men, Women, and Children) directly or indirectly from Volume 3, Issue 11, 2024. Articles submitted after this Volume and Issue will be rejected immediately.


Ethical Oversight

1 - Manipulation of Citations

Authors whose submitted manuscripts are found to include citations whose primary purpose is to increase the number of citations to a given author’s work, or to articles published in a particular journal, may incur sanctions. Editors and reviewers must not ask authors to include references merely to increase citations to their own or an associate’s work, to the journal, or to another journal they are associated with.


2 - Multiple, duplicate, or concurrent submission/publication

Papers describing essentially the same research should not be published in more than one journal or primary publication. Hence, authors should not submit for consideration a manuscript that has already been published in another journal.


3 - Redundant publications

This means publishing many very similar manuscripts based on the same experiment. It can make readers less likely to pay attention to your manuscripts.


4 - Image manipulation, falsification, and fabrication

Where research data are collected or presented as images, modifying these images can sometimes misrepresent the results obtained or their significance. There can be legitimate reasons for image modification but authors should avoid modifying images, if this leads to the falsification, fabrication, or misrepresentation of their results.


Ethics Approval

Manuscripts involving animal research must be submitted to the Animal Ethics Committee of the Scientific Institution where the experiment will take place. Systematic reviews on animal research must be registered. Follow the principles of the section (see the “Ethical Principles” section). In addition, a Statement of Ethics Approval for animal research must be submitted as a supplementary file in the submission process, if applicable.


Ethical Principles

Manuscripts involving animal research are accepted for publication if they have been assigned an identification number after being reviewed and approved by an appropriate animal research ethics board or committee. Articles describing animal research must provide the protocol registration number in the Animal Research Ethics Committee. Articles describing systematic reviews of animals must provide the protocol registration number in the PROSPERO database. Manuscripts presenting animal research, or systematic reviews without registration protocols will be promptly rejected without peer review. State the registry and registry number in the “Material and Methods” and “Ethics Approval” sections. In addition, a Certificate of Ethical Approval for research with animals should be sent as a supplementary file in the submission process, if applicable.


Ethics in Animal Experimentation

In general, studies involving wild or domestic animals must follow norms previously approved by animal experimentation ethics councils, National Research Ethics Committees (NREC), Experimenting on Animals BBC, Ethic Guide or Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE). Articles describing animal research must provide the protocol registration number in the Animal Research Ethics Committee. Articles describing systematic reviews must provide the protocol registration number in the PROSPERO database.

Experimental studies must have been previously approved by an Institutional Committee for Animal Use (CEUA-INCA/Brazil), following guidelines compatible with Brazilian legislation. A statement confirming approval by an institutional committee and its corresponding reference number must be included in the material and methods section. Normative Resolution, Law 11,794, of October 8, 2008, establishes the procedure for the scientific use of animals.

Manuscripts presenting clinical trials, animal research, or systematic reviews without registration protocols will be promptly rejected without peer review. State the registry and registry number in the “Material and Methods” and “Ethics Approval” sections. In addition, a Certificate of Ethical Approval for research with animals should be sent as a supplementary file in the submission process, if applicable. 


Sex and Gender Equity in Research

The Editorial Team of the Brazilian Journal of Science and authors who publish in the journal must always follow the Guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER). The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of information about sex and gender in study design, data analysis, and results and interpretation of findings.


Experimental Research

Articles that address experimental research will only be accepted for publication if they meet at least one of the following criteria: a) experiment with at least 20 plots; b) experimental design with the number of degrees of freedom of the residue equal to or greater than 10. Another requirement is that the number of repetitions of the treatments be at least three. Note: Authors must inform, in the Abstract, Resumo, and Material and Methods items, the experimental design, the treatments, and the number of repetitions.


Research Time

Scientific articles describing research results obtained more than 8 years ago will not be accepted for publication. Authors must inform, in the Abstract, Resumo and Material and Methods items, the period and location (including geographic coordinates and altitude only in the Material and Methods item) of the research.


Publishing Protocols

We encourage authors describing any methodology, in particular laboratory-based experiments in the life and exact sciences, to upload details of their methods to protocols.io. This is an open access website that allows researchers to record their methods in a structured way, obtain a nº. DOI to allow easy citation of the protocol, collaborate with selected colleagues, share their protocol privately for journal peer review, and choose to make it publicly available. Once published, the protocol can be updated and cited in other articles.

You can make your protocol public before the publication of your article if you choose, which will not harm the peer review process of your article and may allow you to get comments about your methods to adapt or improve them before you submit your article (see also the protocols.io FAQ page).


Utilization of Plants, Algae, Fungi and Virus

The BJS journal values stewardship, transparency, and adhering to governance about collecting and utilizing specimens and conducting experiments and/or field studies. Therefore the BJS journal sets out the following guidelines:

Field studies involving genetically engineered plants (Transgenics) must be conducted by national or local legislation and, if applicable, the manuscript needs to include a statement specifying the appropriate permissions and/or licenses.

Authors utilizing genetic plant resources received via local suppliers/collectors, such as species collected from protected areas or endangered species with medical importance, must conduct their experiments following the Nagoya Protocol as part of the (Convention on Biological Diversity).

Authors whose research focuses on quarantine organisms (i.e. harmful or pest organisms, including plant pathogens) should adhere to national legislation and notify the relevant National Plant Protection Organization of new findings before publication.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Policy Statement on Research Involving Species at Risk of Extinction and consult the IUCN Red List Index of threatened species, and Convention on the Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CTESWFF).

Virus nomenclature: Viruses adhere to the most current international standards of virus taxonomy governed by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).

Attention: Virus specimens should be identified at least once, preferably in the Introduction section, using formal family, genus, and species terms and where possible by using a precise strain designation term as developed by an internationally recognized specialty group or culture collection.
Formal terms used for virus Families, Genera, and Species should be those approved by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV): Viral Taxonomy, Virology Division. Note: Use the Ninth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) by King, A. M. Q., Adams, M. J., Carstens, E. B., Lefkowitz, E. J. (2011). This volume also includes standard abbreviations for species.

Voucher specimens ensure that the identity of organisms studied in the field or laboratory experiments can be verified, and ensure that new species concepts can be applied to past research. Voucher specimens documenting all investigated accessions (for population samples at least one specimen per population) are to be deposited in a Public Herbarium. Information on the voucher specimen and who identified it must be included in the manuscript such as Family, Genus name, Species name, author, and year of publication.

Herbarium vouchers provide a permanent record of the plant material studied. Vouchers should be deposited in a recognized herbarium, and numbers/information should be included in the table or list of materials used. In the case of population-level studies, one voucher per population will normally be considered adequate. Authors submitting papers to the BJS should consult International Plant Names Index (IPNI) or Brazilian Biodiversity Information System (SIBBr).


Names of Plants, Algae and Fungi

BJS recommends that the lead author establish the following rules:

(1) Manuscripts containing new taxon names or other nomenclatural acts must follow the guidelines set by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (IAPT) (Shenzhen Code, 2018).

(2) Authors describing new fungal taxa should register the names with a recognized repository, such as Mycobank (MB), and request a unique digital identifier which should be included in the published article.


Deposition of Proteomics Data

Methods used to generate the Proteomics Data should be described in detail and we encourage authors to adhere to the "Minimum Information About a Proteomics Experiment" (MIAPE). All generated mass spectrometry raw data must be deposited in the appropriate public database such as ProteomeXchange, PRIDE or jPOST. At the time of submission, please include all relevant information in the materials and methods section, such as repository where the data was submitted and link, data set identifier, username and password needed to access the data.



The Brazilian Journal of Science accepts video material and animation sequences to support and enhance your scientific research. Authors who have video or animation files that they wish to submit with their article are strongly encouraged to include links to these within the body of the article. This can be done in the same way as a Figure or Table by referring to the video or animation content and noting in the body text where it should be placed.

All submitted files should be properly labeled so that they directly relate to the video or animation file's content. To ensure that your video or animation material is directly usable, please provide the file in one of our recommended file formats with a maximum size of 150 MB per file (the file size may vary depending on the video platform used and server availability, for example, Youtube. The video or animation link inserted in the article will lead to the video platform where it is hosted on a server.



For the best quality final product, BJS recommends that the lead author submit all of their artwork – photographs, drawings, etc. – in electronic format in Portable Network Graphic (PNG.) with high quality. Your art will then be produced to the highest standards with the greatest accuracy to detail. The published work will directly reflect the quality of the artwork provided.


Role of the Funding Source

You are requested to identify who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. If the funding source(s) had no such involvement, it is recommended to state this. This information must be declared in the Funding topic located in the Article Template (English) on the BJS Journal > Submissions > Manuscript Preparation (Template).



Authors will receive a message to the docx. proof of their manuscript on our online system by email, and it is essential that a current email address is supplied with all manuscripts. Proofing instructions will accompany the docx. file but the proof should be checked immediately upon receipt and uploaded by covering instructions. Only essential corrections should be made at the proof stage. Corrections should be underlined in (green).


Conflicts of Interest

The Brazilian Journal of Science supports the position taken by the ICMJE regarding potential conflicts of interest. In this section, authors are required to describe any financial or non-financial conflicts of interest that may exist regarding the research or the publication of the article. A conflict of interest exists if authors or their Institutions have financial or personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence their actions. Types of conflicts include research support, consulting, royalties, institutional support, ownership, and fellowship support. Any commercial entity whose products are described, reviewed, evaluated, or compared in the manuscript, except for those disclosed in the Acknowledgments section, are potential conflicts. If there are no conflicts of interest, authors should state that. Failure to disclose any conflicts of interest is a form of misconduct. The existence and declaration of conflicts of interest do not impede publication at all. The author must download the Conflicts of Interest Form, save it, fill it out, and send it as a supplementary file in the submission process.


Registration in ORCID

As a form of standardization of authorship, the Brazilian Journal of Science made it mandatory to include the iD of the ORCID at the time of submission. After the first review, before forwarding for evaluation, the manuscripts that do not have the ORCID informed in the system will be notified for the inclusion of the identifier registration and should contain at the time of registration, information on academic background and employment (employment, if any).

The ORCID identifier can be obtained free of charge at: https://orcid.org/register. There are several language options (English, Portuguese, and Spanish) among others.

You must accept the standards for submitting ORCID iD, and include the full URL, accompanied by the expression "http://" (for example: https://orcid.org/0000-0015-2020-188X). ORCID registration is mandatory for all authors. On the platform you can directly enter the ORCID connection, thus allowing your connection to be validated by the system.


Copyright Statement

Submitted manuscripts must represent original research not previously published nor be considered for publication elsewhere. The editors of the Brazilian Journal of Science combat plagiarism, double publication, and scientific misconduct with the software CopySpider. Your manuscript may be subject to investigation and retraction if plagiarism greater than 3% is suspected. Upon publication of an article, all rights are held by the publishers, including the rights to reproduce all or part of any publication. The reproduction of articles or illustrations without prior consent from the publisher is prohibited.

All manuscripts must be submitted with a Copyright Statement Form signed by all authors. The form must contain the following three essential items relating to the manuscript:

A statement of responsibility, whereby the authors declare responsibility for the content of the manuscript and agree to disclose all sources of funding and declare all potential conflicts of interest. Authors must also ensure that the article is original and is not under consideration by any other journal.

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.

A statement of ethics, whereby the authors declare that the study protocol has received an identification number from a public registration database “in the case of articles describing clinical trials and systematic reviews” and/or was endorsed by an institutional review board (IRB) or ethics committee “in the case of research with animals or humans”.


Marketing Policy

Brazilian Journal of Science (BJS) can carry out campaigns with targeted and discreet advertisements about news relevant to its readers, calls for participation in dossiers, and publication of articles. BJS campaigns and advertisements will be directed to its reader base and authors registered in the journal.

Any BJS user (reader, author, or reviewer) who does not wish to receive notifications, announcements, and calls from the journal's electronic system (OJS) must update their profile in the OJS system or even unsubscribe.


Plagiarism Software

To maintain the transparency of the information contained in the research, the author is asked, when submitting the final version of the manuscript, a report from the CopySpider similarity detection software (available free of charge at https://copyspider.com.br/main/pt-br/download). Authors must send a report proving that the article has a maximum of 3% similarity with other files, and if there is a similarity greater than 3%, it must be justified.


Correction Notice

Articles that contain seriously flawed or erroneous data such that their findings and conclusions cannot be relied upon may be retracted in order to correct the scientific record. Additions, Corrections, and Retractions may be requested by the author(s) or initiated by the Editor after discussions with the corresponding author. Readers who detect errors of consequence in the work of others should contact the corresponding author of that work. All Additions, Corrections, and Retractions are subject to approval by the Editor, and minor corrections and additions will not be published. The corresponding author should obtain approval from all of the article coauthors prior to submitting an Additions, Corrections, and Retractions or provide evidence that such approval has been solicited. Additions, Corrections, and Retractions will containing information about the original article title, author list, and the reason for the retraction. The originally published article will remain on the web except in extraordinary circumstances.


Possible Outcomes of Peer Review

The journal’s editor or editorial board considers the feedback provided by the peer reviewers and uses this information to arrive at a decision. In addition to the comments received from the review, editors also base their decisions on:

a) Accept without any changes (acceptance): The journal will publish the paper in its original form. This type of decision outcome is rare
b) Accept with minor revisions (acceptance): The journal will publish the paper and asks the author to make small corrections. This is typically the best outcome that authors should hope for
c) Accept after major revisions (conditional acceptance): The journal will publish the paper provided the authors make the changes suggested by the reviewers and/or editors
d) Revise and resubmit (conditional rejection): The journal is willing to reconsider the paper in another round of decision making after the authors make major changes
e) Reject the paper (outright rejection): The journal will not publish the paper or reconsider it even if the authors make major revisions

Attention: The decision outcome will be accompanied by the reviewer reports and some commentary from the editor that explains why the decision has been reached. If the decision involves revision for the author, the specific changes that are required should be clearly stated in the decision letter and review reports. The author can then respond to each point in turn.


Fundamental Errors

Authors must correct mistakes once they discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their published article. The author(s) is/are requested to contact the journal and explain in what sense the error is impacting the article. A decision on how to correct the literature will depend on the nature of the error. This may be a correction or retraction. The retraction note should provide transparency on which parts of the article are impacted by the error.


Data Transparency

All authors are requested to make sure that all data and materials as well as software application or custom code support their published claims and comply with field standards. Please note that journals may have individual policies on (sharing) research data in concordance with disciplinary norms and expectations.


Publication of Errata and Corrections

Errata are corrections of errors identified in an article or other document ever published. The publication of an errata is necessary when the author(s) of the article identify one or more errors in the article already published.

The procedure for errata publication follows the guidance of international bases and aims to preserve the original manuscript record stating however on any corrections.

The publishing process in the Brazilian Journal of Science can be initiated by an email communication to the Editor-in-Chief (matheus.ventura@cerradopub.com.br), reporting on the error found in an article already published.

Below are the procedures for registration and publication of errata:

A. In the email should state stating: volume, number, title of the article, DOI number, and detailed description of the error. The Editorial Board will evaluate the request and decide on the need for publication of errata.

B. after the confirmation of the need for publication of the Errata, it must be published in Specific Section (Errata), next number/volume, with the following information:

Article <article title>, with the number of DOI: <doi> published on <vol> (<num>): <first page-last page>, the <error page, column>:

which read:

'<Text, image, or table you want to modify>'


'<Text, image or corrected table>'



An addendum is a notification of an addition of information to an article. Addenda are published when the editors decide that the addendum is crucial to the reader’s understanding of a significant part of the published contribution. Addenda include Editorial Expression of Concern, which is an editorial statement alerting our readership to serious concerns with the published paper. Editorial Expression of Concern are typically updated with another amendment once further information is available.

Addenda do not contradict the original publication, but if the author inadvertently omitted significant information available at the time, this material can be published as an addendum. Addenda may be peer reviewed, according to journal policy, and are normally subject to oversight by the editors of the journal. Addenda relating to the article content are published only rarely and only when the journal editors decide that an addendum is crucial to the reader’s understanding of a significant part of the published article. All addenda are linked to the original article to which they relate.



Authors may appeal if they feel that the decision to reject was based on: i) a major misunderstanding over a technical aspect of the manuscript; or ii) a failure to understand the scientific advance shown by the manuscript. Appeals requesting a second opinion without sufficient justification will not be considered. To lodge an appeal, please contact the journal by email, quoting your manuscript number. Appeals will only be considered from the original submitting author.


Expressions of Concern

Attention: Expressions of Concern may be issued at the discretion of the Editor if;

(1) there is inconclusive evidence of research or publication misconduct by the authors;

(2) there is evidence that the findings are unreliable but the authors’ institution will not investigate the case;

(3) an investigation into alleged misconduct related to the publication either has not been or would not be, fair and impartial or conclusive;

(4) an investigation is underway but a judgment will not be available for a considerable time.

(5) Upon completion of any related investigation, and when a final determination is made about the outcome of the article, the Expression of Concern may be replaced with a Retraction notice or Additions and Corrections.


Marketing Practices

This Journal utilizes social media platforms and other electronic media to disseminate our content and engage readers with our publications. We try to reach new readers through quick communication methods like emails, X.com, and Instagram.



This periodical is licensed under a License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International