Assessment of dissolved oxygen in beer during the racking process between fermentation and maturation




Beer, Industrial production, Oxigen, Oxidation


The sensory quality of beer is a major factor influencing the choice of a product by the consumer on the market. This quality is directly impacted by several mechanisms, including the oxidation reaction. Oxidation of beer fatty acids to aldehydes is associated with the undesired taste in this product. With this, the project aims to reduce the oxidation of beer in the maturation stage in order to preserve the original flavor of the product. The experiment consisted of the assessment of dissolved oxygen levels at different points in the Fermat circuit. During the stage of the Fermat circuit, the levels of oxygen dissolved in the beer were evaluated in the following stages: fermentation tank, before and after centrifugation, then the heat exchanger, maturation inlet and maturation tank. The oxygen measurement was performed with a DIGOX electronic device and the results were expressed in mg L-1. The greatest increases in the levels of dissolved oxygen in the beer are between the stages before and after centrifugation and inlet of the maturing tank and full maturing tank. It was noted that the low pressure of carbon dioxide injected into the dome of the centrifuge drum was the main pause in the increase. Being proven after adjustments and new tests. The fundamental cause of the increase in oxygen in the maturation tank was attributed to the impurity of carbon dioxide in the CO2 mattress. After these checks, new tests were carried out and the results showed that there was a 65% reduction in the oxygen dissolved in the beer after the mentioned interventions.


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How to Cite

Souza, P. G. de, & Carvalho, M. F. (2022). Assessment of dissolved oxygen in beer during the racking process between fermentation and maturation. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(2), 75–81.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences