Contaminação de efluentes por amoxicilina: consequências ambientais e métodos de remoção
Amoxicillin, Removal, Wastewater treatmentAbstract
The intensification of pollution generated by human activities for decades, releasing effluents, in natura or partially treated, into receiving water bodies, causing serious damage to the environment. Among these effluents, drugs end up bringing a great concern, since they can be resistant even to conventional treatment processes, which ends up alerting to the problem of lack of adequate treatment. The objective of this work was to carry out an analysis of the effluent treatment methods used for the removal and degradation of the β-lactam antibiotic, amoxicillin. A bibliographic survey involving thirty-eight articles was carried out, with filtering and selection, resulting in only twelve works that met the established prerequisites. Most of the selected studies developed their analysis on artificially contaminated effluents, using adsorption techniques, advanced oxidative processes (POAs), wetlands, bioreactor with submerged membranes, activated carbon filter and hydrolysis. It is important to emphasize that each study operated with very particular techniques, which is the main reason for the different results found in very similar methods. The analysis showed that among the methods observed, only the traditional oxidation process with Fenton reagent, and the removal method by Alkaline Hydrolysis, with a pH of 12.5 in 60 minutes, reached 100% excellence in the removal of the antibiotic. At the other extreme, it was observed that the antibiotic removal technique through constructed wetlands reached a minimum removal of 15% and the POA with natural photolysis in 360 minutes with a removal of 24%. The numbers found show the importance of combining sewage treatment methods to achieve greater purity of the effluent that will be released into the environment.
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