Microplastics: a practical approach to the production of biodegradable plastic as an environmental education strategy in basic education





Microplastic, Biodegradable, Environmental Education, Experimentation, Education


With industrialization and changes in consumption habits, there was an increase in the use of materials that are increasingly harmful to the environment and human health. Nowadays works that deal with environmental pollution by plastic and microplastic are recurrent in the academic literature, however many times these results, inquiries and questions do not reach the common citizen or the school benches of basic education. Environmental education is supported by educational policies and must be permanently present in school components, its educational processes being a tool that provides conditions for people to acquire knowledge and skills to intervene critically in decision-making processes for environmental quality. The present work sought to evaluate the perception, in relation to microplastics, of high school students from a public school located in the city of Gravataí - RS and to promote environmental awareness from the development of an environmental education activity with the use of technology in environmentally friendly plastic production. The approach used was of a qualitative-quantitative nature and was developed in two stages: knowledge of the school reality in relation to the subject with the application of a semi-structured questionnaire to high school students in the school community, totaling 146 respondents and practical activity of producing bioplastic as an awareness tool. It was found that about 71.2% of the students had no knowledge about the microplastic topic. Still, it was noticed the importance of EE in assertive actions and attitudes in relation to minimizing the impacts of human actions on the environment.

the production of ecologically plastics. The approach used was of a quali-quantitative nature and developed in two stages: knowledge of the school reality in relation to the topic with the application of a semi-structured questionnaire to high school students from the school community, totaling 146 respondents and practical activity of production of bioplastic as an awareness tool. It was found that about 71.2% of students had no knowledge about the microplastic topic. Still, it was noticed the importance of EE in assertive actions and attitudes in relation to minimizing the impacts of human actions on the environment.


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How to Cite

Silveira, D. da C. (2022). Microplastics: a practical approach to the production of biodegradable plastic as an environmental education strategy in basic education. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(2), 82–89. https://doi.org/10.14295/bjs.v1i2.15



Environmental Sciences