Educação de jovens e adultos na 4ª etapa e a importância da experimentação no ensino de ciências




Experimentation, Science Teaching, Youth and Adult Education


This work has as general objective to present the importance of experimentation as a teaching proposal and didactic instrument in the teaching of Science, for students of the 4th stage of Youth and Adult Education (EJA). On this premise, the text is qualitative and quantitative and bibliographic research on the subject, theoretical activity on the human body content, application of questionnaires, development of experimental activities and an interview with the Science teacher 4th stage of EJA were carried out. Data analysis revealed that the experiment was little known by the students, as it was not applied by the Science teacher, but that after the experimental classes there was a better understanding of this method. It was concluded that the application of this methodology was able to motivate students, in addition to making them more creative and reflective, and stimulated interest in Science classes.

Author Biography

Waldemar Borges de Oliveira Júnior, Universidade Federal do Pará

Degree in Natural Sciences from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Specialist in Ethnic-Racial Relations for Elementary Education (UFPA) and Master in Teaching in Science and Mathematics Education (UFPA). He is currently a Doctoral Student in Science and Mathematics Education (PPGECM/IEMCI/UFPA), Post-Graduate Student/Lato Sensu Level in Science and Mathematics Teaching at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) and Undergraduate Student in Pedagogy (FAM/Faculdade das Américas ). He is a member of the Center for Studies and Research on Teacher Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations (Núcleo GERA-NEAB/UFPA). He is a member of the Brazilian Association for Research in Science Education (ABRAPEC), the National Association for Postgraduate Studies and Research in Education (ANPED) and the Brazilian Association of Black Researchers (ABPN). He served as an External Professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and as Local Coordinator of the National Plan for the Training of Basic Education Teachers (UFPA/Campus Universitário Tocantins-Cametá). They have experience in the field of Education with an emphasis on the following themes: Teaching and Learning Process in Science Teaching; Teacher Training and Ethnic-Racial Relations.



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How to Cite

Oliveira Júnior, W. B. de, & Silva, H. H. N. e. (2022). Educação de jovens e adultos na 4ª etapa e a importância da experimentação no ensino de ciências. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(2), 21–27.