The educational technology coordinator: challenges and functions


  • Lucas Ferreira Rodrigues Graduado em Matemática - Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA, Belém, PA, Brasil
  • Luciano Araujo da Costa Graduado em Filosofia - Universidade Católica Dom Bosco - UCDB, Campo Grande, MS, Brasil



Education, Technology coordinator, Teaching


The present study aimed to analyze the construction of a line of reasoning about how the role of the management of the teacher responsible for the implantation and implementation of an educational technology project in the school space should be, since the knowledge of the different ways of learning, teaching, producing, communicating and reconstructing knowledge can be produced and discussed within these spaces, it becomes fundamental for the effectiveness of citizen education. In order, to contribute to the subjects involved, qualifying them to live in society, and also to act in the world of work, aware of their commitment. In the course of the research, several actions were presented that must be developed by the teacher in the role of educational technology coordinator, in addition to their challenges and functions, to enable the implementation and implementation of an innovative multimedia project within their school. In order to promote the training of teachers and students, aiming to encourage them to use new technologies for educational purposes. In this sense, we use as a methodology, the bibliographic research regarding the use of different technologies in the school environment, which deals with this theme from the problem related to the increasing need for teachers with a higher level of preparation and who assume a new attitude towards to the new demands of the current pedagogical practice. As a result, we found the importance of the role of the educational technology coordinator, which should preferably be performed by a teacher, since, depending on their pedagogical experience and computer knowledge where they can be acquired through training courses. It becomes more viable for him to elaborate a project that meets the needs of the educational institution, being necessary, a priori, to carry out a technological diagnosis of the institution that will serve as a basis for the execution of the subsequent steps. Finally, through the study carried out, it is justified to measure the amplitude of the changes caused by the insertion of information and communication technologies, as well as the importance of the coordinator of educational technology for educational institutions, nowadays.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, L. F., & Costa, L. A. da. (2022). The educational technology coordinator: challenges and functions. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(4), 87–100.