Interoception and emotional regulation in autistic children through an occupational therapy perspective: A literature review




interoception, emotional regulation, occupational therapy, autism spectrum disorder


Understanding the interplay between interoception and emotional regulation is critical for advancing occupational therapy practices for autistic children and adolescents. These individuals often experience interoceptive processing difficulties, hindering emotional management, daily functioning, and societal participation. This review examines the relationship between interoception and emotional regulation and addresses relevant interventions to support these skills. To explore the relationship between interoception and emotional regulation and identify effective interventions that can inform occupational therapy practices for autistic individuals. A comprehensive search was conducted across three central electronic databases— PubMed, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar to identify studies that examined the relationship between interoception and emotional regulation in individuals with autism. Studies were conducted from 2013 to 2024. The search combined database-specific controlled language with keywords related to interoception, emotional regulation, occupational therapy, and autism spectrum disorder. A total of 49 studies meeting inclusion criteria were included. The review highlights the intricate connections between interoception and emotional regulation in autistic children, emphasizing challenges such as alexithymia and reduced interoceptive awareness. Interventions include cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based approaches, and specialized programs like the Aligning Dimensions of Interoceptive Experience and the Interoception Curriculum. These strategies can potentially enhance emotional well-being, self-regulation, and occupational engagement. Interoception and emotional regulation are foundational elements in the clinical reasoning of occupational therapists. Tailored, neurodiversity-affirmative interventions can promote emotional resilience and improve participation in daily activities for autistic individuals. Further research is necessary to develop inclusive and ethically aligned interventions that meet the needs of both clinicians and autistic people. This study underscores the significance of integrating interoceptive-based interventions into therapeutic practices to address emotional regulation challenges in autistic children, fostering their holistic development and societal inclusion.


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How to Cite

Barmpagiannis, P., & Baldimtsi, E. (2025). Interoception and emotional regulation in autistic children through an occupational therapy perspective: A literature review. Brazilian Journal of Science, 4(2), 1–14.