A pilot survey on the identification of different deformities and prevalence of cracked eggs in commercial layers’ farms in Ogbomoso metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria





deformed eggs, debeaking, gross crack, mottled crack, star cracked egg, sandpaper egg, blood stained egg


This research was conducted within Ogbomoso town, Oyo State, to identify the different types of cracks and deformed eggs common in the study area. It highlighted the socio-economic characteristics of the commercial layer farmers, flock characteristics, feed and feeding, veterinary service, cracks and deformed eggs incidence, causes of deformed eggs, and measures to minimize them. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire administered on 40 identified commercial layer farms that were randomly selected. Data analyses were carried out using frequency counts, pie charts, and percentages. The result of the study indicated that the majority (90%) of the respondents were male with a few (10%) females, and the majority (90%) were Christian with 10% Muslims. The entire respondents attained tertiary education. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the studied farm used veterinary services on their farm and 25% did not. All (100%) of the farms studied experience one type of cracks/deformed eggs or the other. The most common cracks and deformed eggs observed in this research were gross cracks (15.52%), blood spots (13.79), and thin shells (12.93%) while mottled crack (0.86%) was the least experienced crack. The causes of cracks and deformed eggs as indicated by the farmers showed that cracks and deformed eggs were majorly caused by birds’ cages (23.2%), birds (20.3%), and vermin (15.9%), and few were caused by diseases, hormonal changes and during the process of eggs transportation. The major means of controlling cracks and deformed eggs observed in this research were proper handling of the eggs (22.7%), disease prevention (19.7%), and control of rats (19.7%) while the least control measure suggested was the use of antibiotics. Gross crack which resulted in a large hold and broken membrane is the most common egg crack in the farms. The results of this research show that all the farms studied experience cracks and deformed eggs on their farms and different approaches are being used to minimize the effect therefore, farmers need to minimize the occurrence in other to reduce the loss of money through it.


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How to Cite

Shittu, M. D., Agboola, Q. O., Ojebiyi, O. O., Ademola, S. G., Adeyi, O. O., Kareem, R. O., Ojediran, T. K., & Akinwande, B. O. (2024). A pilot survey on the identification of different deformities and prevalence of cracked eggs in commercial layers’ farms in Ogbomoso metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. Brazilian Journal of Science, 3(8), 99–116. https://doi.org/10.14295/bjs.v3i8.630



Agrarian and Biological Sciences