Ponderations on intestinal stoms: Interfaces and repercussions





stomies, quality of life, health impacts, intestinal disease, health care


An intestinal stoma is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon externalizes part of the small or large intestine. These stomies have the objective of eliminating the fecal content. An intestinal stoma is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon externalizes part of the small or large intestine. These stomies have the objective of eliminating the fecal content. It is worth mentioning that the making of the stoma is also a phenomenon that generates multiple psychosocial effects that directly influence the life condition of the patient in the postoperative period. The present study aims to ponder on intestinal stomas reflecting the interfaces and repercussions. This is a descriptive, qualitative study of the reflective analysis type, elaborated from a review of the literature about the "interfaces and repercussions of intestinal stomas". For this, a narrative review was carried out. Narrative review studies are publications with the purpose of describing and discussing the state of the art of a certain subject. With the objective of organizing and understanding the data that was collected from the present study, three categories with the following arguments were elaborated: Historical facts about intestinal stomas; Concepts and definitions facing Colostomy and Ileostomy; Interfaces of temporary/provisory and definitive intestinal stomas. In this sense, the study aims to ponder on intestinal stomies reflecting the interfaces and repercussions.


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