Sprint design - application in public service web portal in São Paulo - SP, Brazil


  • Taís Pelinson Production Engineer, Post Graduated in Project Management, Secretariat of Management and Digital Government, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Carina Campese PhD in Production Engineering, Professor, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil




innovation, agile methodology, ux design, government, citizen


Sprint design is a five-day method used by google venture to generate new ideas connected to strategic management, innovation, behavioral science and design for software, marketing, services and other areas, besides ensuring a more efficient, fast and focused search for solutions to challenges. The wide range of subjects in which sprint design can be applied allowed the choice of a theme to be addressed, which is the objective of this work: the execution of the method in an information architecture project for a web portal of public services in the city of São Paulo. This work presents a sprint design cycle applied with a public services digital transformation team, citizens and public servers of the city of São Paulo to find solutions to the proposed challenge of difficulty in understanding the information on the site in question.  By the result of the method executed in the context of public management with some adaptations, it was possible to realize the effectiveness and guarantee of delivery of a solution co-constructed between government and citizens in a fast, efficient, tested, and citizen-focused way. In addition, it became noticeable that the inclusion of civil servants and citizens in the sprint design process contributed to expand a culture of fostering innovation and building public policies of the digital government agenda with society.


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How to Cite

Pelinson, T., & Campese, C. (2023). Sprint design - application in public service web portal in São Paulo - SP, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Science, 2(12), 94–105. https://doi.org/10.14295/bjs.v2i12.387