The use of the didactic sequence in the teaching of Physics: The insertion of the students of the State School Tabelião Júlio Maria, Touros-RN


  • José Jefferson da Silva Department of Physics, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte, João Câmara, Brazil
  • Geneci Cavalcanti Moura de Medeiros Department of Physics, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte, João Câmara, Brazil



didactic unit, learning, laboratory activities


This text deals with the potential of laboratory activities for teaching physics and the main characteristics for the educational environment, promoting a differentiated learning for high school students, thus contemplating hydrostatics contents. This article has the general objective of suggesting and applying a didactic unit for students in the first year of high school at the State School Tabelião Júlio Maria, located in the municipality of Touros, Rio Grande do Norte. Five laboratory activities are proposed in this didactic unit using easily accessible materials, in this way it is aimed to verify the contribution that this approach provides in the teaching-learning process in the hydrostatics content, to promote teamwork and a critical spirit with regard to to the role of physics, in addition to identifying the potential of laboratory activities for the expected contents. Thinking about the theme that involves the study of hydrostatics, the didactic unit consists of five activities: Teaching the concept of floating bodies in water, verifying the concept of density and pressure through laboratory activities, The candle that raises water and the shower bottle. In this sense, physics, in line with laboratory activities with easily accessible materials, is no longer merely abstract and gains practical requirements, as the student is in real contact with the concepts worked on in the discipline, thus being related to the students' daily lives. immersed in propositional activities. At the end of the research work, it is expected that this material can serve, in addition to the application of knowledge to students, the stimulus for professors who are physics students, since the activities proposed here aim to work on some abstract concepts, being essential for the context of teacher training, mainly formalizing the development of knowledge of all those involved in this educational context.


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How to Cite

Silva, J. J. da, & Medeiros, G. C. M. de. (2023). The use of the didactic sequence in the teaching of Physics: The insertion of the students of the State School Tabelião Júlio Maria, Touros-RN. Brazilian Journal of Science, 2(9), 70–75.