Chemical, physical, and biological attributes of the soil in integrated systems
crop-livestock integration, iCLF, soil quality, microbiotaAbstract
Integrated systems are conservationist and sustainable systems with great prominence on the national scene for reducing financial and productive risk in the agricultural sector and reducing environmental damage. One of the successes of these systems is to see the cultivation environment in an integrated way, knowing each of its components; soil, plant, and atmosphere. In large-scale field production, the plant and the soil are the components of the production system that are more likely to be modulated, seeking greater productivity. The objective of this work was to survey scientific advances on the chemical, physical and biological attributes of soil in integrated systems. The works show that chemical, physical and biological attributes are influenced by soil management in integrated systems. In general, integrated agricultural systems are more efficient alternatives for Brazil and must meet international commitments to reduce the greenhouse effect for low-carbon agriculture. For the rural producer, the integrated systems are advantageous due to the greater production in a smaller area and the diversification of income.
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