Phytotechnical effects of herbicide management applied in pre and post emergence in sorghum crop


  • Hebert Costa de Freitas University Center of Southwest Goiano, UniBRAS, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil
  • Fernando Rezende Corrêa De Lollo Agricultural Research and Experimentation, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil
  • Nelmício Furtado da Silva University of Rio Verde, UniRV, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil
  • Wendson Soares da Silva Cavalcante University of Rio Verde, UniRV, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil
  • Daniele Ferreira Ribeiro GPAC – Cerrado Agriculture Research Group, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil
  • Estevão Rodrigues MRE Agropesquisa, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil



chlorophyll, phytosanitary management, weeds, Cerrado, grasses


Starting from the hypothesis that the sorghum crop has a limitation regarding weed management, and that some herbicides applied in pre and post emergence in the sorghum crop can cause some undesirable effects such as phytotoxicity that can drastically reduce the development of the crop and sometimes lead to plant death. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the phytotechnical effects of the management of herbicides applied in pre and post emergence in the sorghum crop, as well as to evaluate the biometric, physiological and productive characteristics of the sorghum crop, submitted to different herbicides. The experiment was carried out at the Teaching, Research and Extension Farm of the UniBRAS Faculty – Rio Verde – GO, in an Oxisol Red Distroferric (LVDf). The experimental design used was a randomized block, with 10 treatments and 4 replications, a total of 40 experimental plots. The treatments consisted of the use of different combinations of the herbicides Atrazine, Saflufenacil, 2,4D, Mesotrione, Trifluralin in pre and post emergence of the sorghum crop. The stem diameter, plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area index at 28 and 35 days after application of the herbicides applied in the phenological stage between V4 – V6 and the chlorophyll a index were evaluated. , b and total at 7 and 14 days after herbicide application. Data were submitted to analysis of variance (p<0.05) and cases of significance were submitted to the Scoot-Knot mean test (p<0.05), using the statistical software Sisvar®. There was an effect on plant height, leaf area index and total chlorophyll. Atrazine both in pre and post emergence; and Trifluralin in pre-emergence and Atrazine in post-emergence promoted the lowest mass of 100 grains.


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How to Cite

Freitas, H. C. de, Corrêa, F. R., Silva, N. F. da, Cavalcante, W. S. da S., Ribeiro, D. F., & Rodrigues, E. (2023). Phytotechnical effects of herbicide management applied in pre and post emergence in sorghum crop. Brazilian Journal of Science, 2(4), 64–75.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences

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