Herbicides with potential for pre-sowing desiccation in cotton crops
Gossypium hirsutum L., diquat, glufosinate, carfentrazone, saflufenacilAbstract
Although efficient, there are few options for selective herbicides applied in pre-emergence for cotton cultivation, with applications being carried out with products that result, in some situations, in phytotoxicity in the culture and resulting in low fiber quality and cotton yield. Therefore, the objective was to determine potential herbicides to replace paraquat, to be used in the desiccation of areas in pre-sowing of the cotton crop, evaluating the carryover effect. The experiment was carried out in the experimental area of the Teaching and Research Farm (FEPE), belonging to UniBRAS – Faculdade Rio Verde. The experimental design used was in randomized blocks in a 9x3 factorial scheme with four replications, consisting of nine treatments and three times of application of the treatments (14, 7 and 0 days before sowing) in the cotton crop. At 35 days after sowing, biometric and physiological evaluations of the culture were performed. The data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance and the cases of significance were analyzed using the Tukey mean comparison test (p<0.05). Glufosinate applied alone and the mixtures between Glufosinate + Glyphosate and Carfentrazone + Glyphosate showed promise as potential herbicides to replace paraquat, to be used in the desiccation of areas in pre-sowing of the cotton crop under the conditions of this test.
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