Efficiency of pre-emergent herbicides in weed management in soybean crops
Glycine max, glyphosate, productivity, Diclosulam, ImazetapirAbstract
The use of pre-emergent herbicides in soybean crops is an important tool for reducing infestation of these plants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the result of pre-emergent herbicides, using the active ingredients: Diclosulam, S-metolachlor, Imazetapyr, all of which are associated with the active ingredient Glyphosate, observing how tank mixtures would provide some kind of synergy and/or antagonism, contributing or not for better control of weeds present in the area. The work was carried out at the Experimental Station of BASF - Rio Verde Unit, located in the rural area of the municipality of Rio Verde, State of Goiás, Brazil. It was conducted in a randomized block design consisting of 8 treatments and 4 replications: Control (Without application), Diclosulam + Glyphosate, S-metolachlor + Glyphosate, Imazethapyr + Glyphosate, Diclosulam + S-metolachlor + Glyfosulam + Glyfosate, Diclosulam + Imazetate; S-metolachlor + Imazethapyr + Glyphosate, Diclosulam + S-metolachlor + Imazethapyr + Glyphosate. Applications of pre-emergent herbicides occurred soon after sowing of soybean cultivar CZ 37B22 IPRO. Weed emergence flow control evaluations were carried out after herbicide application at 7, 14, 21, 28 and 112 days after the application of treatments. The harvest was harvested from the useful area of the plots to quantify the soybean yield. Data were compiled for analysis of variance using the F and significant test, and means were compared using the Tukey test p > 0.05 using the SASM-Agri® software. The active ingredient mixtures with the best performance on the flow of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds were: Glyphosate 1,200 g.ha-1 + Diclosulam 36.6 g.ha-1 + S-metolachlor 1,152 g.ha-1; Glyphosate 1,200 g.ha-1 + Diclosulam 36.6 g.ha-1 + Imazetapyr 106 g.ha-1, Glyphosate 1,200 g.ha-1 + S-metolachlor 1,152 g.ha-1 + Imazetapyr 106 g.ha-1, analyzing the variable productivity, the treatment with the highest yield was the mixture of Glyphosate 1,200 g.ha-1 + Diclosulam 36.6 g.ha-1.
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