Synergism in the combination of (acephate + bifenthrin + acetamiprid) in the control of brown bug


  • Paulo Afonso Betinelli University Center of Southwest Goiano, UniBRAS, Rio Verde, Goias, Brazil
  • Fernando Rezende Côrrea DeLollo Research Station, Rio Verde, Goias, Brazil
  • Nelmício Furtado da Silva University of Rio Verde, UniRV, Rio Verde, Goias, Brazil
  • Wendson Soares da Silva Cavalcante University of Rio Verde, UniRV, Rio Verde, Goias, Brazil
  • Daniele Ferreira Ribeiro GPAC – Cerrado Agriculture Research Group, Rio Verde, Goias, Brazil
  • Estevão Rodrigues MRE Agropesquisa, Rio Verde, Goias, Brazil



insecticide, chemical control, Euschistus heros, soybean, efficiency


Annually, due to the attack of pest insects, tons of grains are lost, with emphasis on the stink bug species complex of the Pentatomidae family. The main strategy for managing the resistance of stink bugs to insecticides is the alternation of products with different mechanisms of action, associated with the rational use of these products, in order to reduce the pressure for selection of resistant individuals. Assuming that it is essential to know the synergy of the combination of a mixture of three chemical groups (organophosphate + pyreroid + neonicotinoid), given that the current insecticides recommended for the control of Euschistus heros are limited to a combination of just two. The aim of this study was to evaluate the synergistic effect of the combination of the insecticide Acephate, Bifenthrin and Acetamiprid in the control of the brown stink bug (Euschistus heros). The application was carried out on the gerbox. After application, 10 adult Euschistus heros insects were infested in each gerbox, and then covered with voil tissue. The evaluation of the effect of the treatments was carried out at 2, 24, 48 and 72 hours after the infestation of the bugs, counting the number of dead and alive insects in each gerbox. The combination of Acephate + Bifenthrin + Acetamiprid insecticides, regardless of the dose used, had a synergistic effect. The synergistic effect of the combination potentiated the insecticide providing a greater shock effect and greater efficiency in controlling Euschistus heros.


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How to Cite

Betinelli, P. A., Côrrea, F. R., Silva, N. F. da, Cavalcante, W. S. da S., Ribeiro, D. F., & Rodrigues, E. (2023). Synergism in the combination of (acephate + bifenthrin + acetamiprid) in the control of brown bug. Brazilian Journal of Science, 2(3), 67–74.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences