Economic analysis of the use of biostimulants in bean crops using different application methods


  • Guthierry Meciano de Sousa University Center of Southwest Goiano, UniBRAS, Rio Verde, Goias, Brazil
  • Fernando Rodrigues Cabral Filho University Center of Southwest Goiano, UniBRAS, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil
  • Christiano Lima Lobo de Andrade University Center of Southwest Goiano, UniBRAS, Rio Verde, Goias, Brazil
  • Matheus Vinicius Abadia Ventura University Center of Southwest Goiano, UniBRAS, Rio Verde, Goias, Brazil



Phaseolus vulgaris, economic viability, Ascophyllum nodosum, harvest yield


Common bean plant Phaseolus vulgaris has great socioeconomic importance as it is a food that makes up human and animal nutrition. And like all agricultural crops, it has suffered from water scarcity and irregularity in the rainfall regime, as well as the economic factor. The objective of this study was to analyze the profitability of the use of biostimulants in the bean crop in different means of application. The experiment was carried out in the field in the municipality of Rio Verde, Goiás State, Brazil, 2021/22 harvest. The experiment followed the experimental design of randomized blocks where with seed treatments via foliar, using as biostimulants Agri Raiz®; Stimulate® and Agri Algae®. The experiment with Agri Algae® at a dose of 0.50 L/ha-1 obtained better profitability. In the phase experiment, all treatments obtained satisfactory results, with the treatment in phase R1 having the highest profitability.


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How to Cite

Sousa, G. M. de, Cabral Filho, F. R., Andrade, C. L. L. de, & Ventura, M. V. A. (2023). Economic analysis of the use of biostimulants in bean crops using different application methods. Brazilian Journal of Science, 2(2), 24–31.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences