Biofactories in the current Brazilian agricultural scenario: review
agriculture, Brazil, plants, microorganisms, PseudomonasAbstract
Biofactories have applications in various sectors of the economy, including in different energy models, agriculture, and industry. The health sector is following a new class of drugs, the so-called biopharmaceuticals. The biofactory is a model that requires biotechnological use to produce seedlings on a large scale, in which its processes need to be well defined, and it can develop thousands of seedlings per year. The objective of this work was to explore the panorama of biofactories in the current Brazilian agricultural scenario. A literature review was carried out based on the scientific literature, developed from materials already prepared, consisting mainly of books, magazines, scientific articles, monographs, and theses, through the search for available knowledge and the direction of methods, techniques, and other procedures scientific. Bioreactors are equipment used in plant transfer multiplication with potential safety, economy, and hygiene. They are used for the cultivation of buds, embryos and organs in liquid culture medium and enhance the production of seedlings in an automated way on a large scale, with monitoring and control of cultivation conditions, in addition to less manipulation of cultures. They were also developed to correct existing failures in the production of new plants from conventional techniques, increasing the profitability of biofactories, agribusiness is constantly looking for innovative and modern techniques that aim to increase crop efficiency, produce better quality products, and ensure food safety. In this sense, plant tissue culture, especially micropropagation, has been used to meet these demands, revolutionizing the agricultural scenario around the world, through the mass production of seedlings of various plant species of economic interest. Biofactories are also capable of producing various agricultural bioproducts based on bacteria, fungi, and viruses, further benefiting producers with effective control of agricultural pests.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Izadora Alves Soares, Antonio Carlos Pereira de Menezes Filho, Matheus Vinicius Abadia Ventura

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