Stimulus on germination and initial development of maize cultivar AS 1820 with Stimullum® biostimulant




Ascophyllum nodosum, Radicle, Micronutrients, Plant development, Zea mays


The present study aimed to evaluate the stimulus on germination and initial development via application of doses of the biostimulant Stimullum® in seeds in hybrid AS 1820 corn in the Cerrado of the State of Goiás, Brazil. The experiment was conducted in pots, in a greenhouse in Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil, in the year 2022. The design used was completely randomized, in a factorial scheme with 5 doses and 4 replications. The application of Stimullum® biostimulant dosages was performed one hour before sowing (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 mL ha-1, 60,000 seeds-1). Germination, plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, root length, fresh and dry aerial mass, fresh and dry root mass, and chlorophyll a and b indices were evaluated. The biostimulant Stimullum® did not influence germination, shoot length, leaf number, leaf width, shoot fresh mass, shoot and root dry mass and chlorophyll content. However, the application of Stimullum® at a dose of 200 mL ha-1 showed significant increases in leaf length, leaf area, root length and root fresh matter at the beginning of the development of AS 1820 hybrid corn.


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How to Cite

Netta, M. A. de S., Menezes Filho, A. C. P. de, Batista-Ventura, H. R. F., Andrade, C. L. L. de, & Ventura, M. V. A. (2022). Stimulus on germination and initial development of maize cultivar AS 1820 with Stimullum® biostimulant. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(11), 100–107.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences