Education for the promotion of gender equality: A case study at the Teacher Training Center in Maputo City, Mozambique


  • Jussiline de Almeida Fonseca Department of Adult Education, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique
  • Alzira Manuel Department of Adult Education, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique



Gender and education, Gender equity, Teacher training


Mozambique is one of the countries that has committed itself, through the ratification of different treaties and conventions, to combat inequalities, in particular gender inequalities, however inequalities between men and women prevail, especially in education. The present study is of an exploratory qualitative nature based on semi-structured interviews applied to six trainers and two school managers in order to understand the strategies and approaches used in the selected institute for the training of teachers and adult educators, for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that can contribute to the promotion of gender equality in schools and beyond, among future education professionals. Among other aspects, the study found that there is some effort on the part of managers and teachers to include gender issues in the teaching and learning process. However, there are still challenges related to the need to overcome the negative behaviors and attitudes of some trainees marked by their socio-cultural experiences, and the indifference of some trainers in the consideration of gender issues in their work, due to the supposed need to avoid delay in fulfilling the established programme.


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How to Cite

Fonseca, J. de A., & Manuel, A. (2022). Education for the promotion of gender equality: A case study at the Teacher Training Center in Maputo City, Mozambique. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(11), 91–99.