Different types of approaches applied in the rehabilitation of ankle sprains: literature review





Ankle sprain, Ankle injuries, Ankle rehabilitation


It is estimated that ankle sprain injuries occur at a rate of 01 for every 10,000 people daily, in which physiotherapy must provide a specific treatment program to alleviate the problems of many patients. From this, this study aimed to verify the rehabilitation of ankle sprains. Therefore, a literature review was performed based on publications from the last 5 years in PubMed, Scielo and PEDro databases. The results showed that proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation of the triceps surae associated with transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation, the application of exercises, among other procedures, are types of rehabilitation for ankle sprains. In view of this, it was possible to perceive that the rehabilitation of ankle sprain injuries includes several physiotherapeutic procedures, thus, it was not possible to trace the most frequent specific procedure for the rehabilitation of ankle sprains. The physical therapist must analyze the patient and, based on this evaluation, define which procedure is most effective for the clinical picture presented.


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