Essential oil from the petioles of Protium ovatum Engl. (Burseraceae) has bioactive and antifungal activity?


  • Antonio Carlos Pereira de Menezes Filho Instituto Federal Goiano, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brasil
  • Marcela Cristofoli Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil
  • Matheus Vinicius Abadia Ventura Instituto Federal Goiano, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brasil
  • Aparecida Sofia Taques Instituto Federal do Mato Grosso, São Vicente, Mato Grosso, Brasil
  • Ivan Alves Instituto Federal Goiano, Ipameri, Goiás, Brasil
  • Carlos Frederico de Souza Castro Instituto Federal Goiano, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brasil



Protium ovatum, Candida albicans, Antioxidant activity, Candida krusei


Protium ovatum is a specie present in the most varied types from Cerrado in Brasil, and this specie is reconoced as a phytotherapeutic plant. The objective of the study was to characterize chemically and biologically the essential oils of Protium ovatum petioles collected in three areas of the Cerrado in the state of Goiás, Brasil. Petioles were collected in three areas of savanna Cerrado. The essential oil was extracted in Clevenger, the yield determined in percentage. Physicochemical analyzes were performed for chemical composition by gas chromatography with mass emitter, relative density, solubility, refractive index and optical rotation. To determine the biological antioxidant activity, the DPPH was used, and determined in IC50, and the antifungal activity performed by diluting the essential oil in the disc diffusion method. Essential oils showed a yield of 0.35; 0.44 and 0.29%, density of 0.905; 0.907 and 0.912 g mL-1, positive solubility, refractive index of 1.3881; 1.3853 and 1.3799, optical rotation of +40.6; +40.9 and +39.8 αD, and IC50 of 1.67; 1.57 and 2.19 µL mL-1, for Cerradão, Cerrado rupestre and Cerrado sujo, respectively. There were about 12 major compounds and exceptional antifungal activity against Candida isolates. Essential oils presented as a new antioxidant and antifungal source against Candida isolates. The physicochemical characteristics similar to other essential oils in the literature. The phytophysiognomic characteristics should in the future be evaluated through genetic analysis between groups of individuals in the three study areas.


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How to Cite

Menezes Filho, A. C. P. de, Cristofoli, M., Ventura, M. V. A., Taques, A. S., Alves, I., & Castro, C. F. de S. (2022). Essential oil from the petioles of Protium ovatum Engl. (Burseraceae) has bioactive and antifungal activity?. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(7), 26–36.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences