Paths to the New High School: tracing a formative itinerary on an adaptive platform




Adaptive platform, Autonomy, Google Classroom, Formative itinerary, Myers-Briggs


This essay presents, based on the demands for the implementation of the New High School in the year 2022, a proposal for a Formative Itinerary linked to the structuring axis of "Creative Processes", in which students are involved in project elaborations focusing on creativity and creativity. Due to it, a pair of Portuguese language teachers designed the proposal, detailed below, in which the new class format proposed by the new BNCC was guaranteed and the presence of students who are still attending classes in the system was taken into account. Thus, strategies were developed that made it possible to work from individual skills, as well as explore the prior knowledge and socio-emotional specificities of each student. processes, data generator and facilitator of the feedback production process. students, starting from an application of the Myers-Briggs personality test so that everyone could draw up study plans adaptable to their needs and, above all, see their progress, so that they could choose the next step after the initial stages of training.


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How to Cite

Santana, A. de A., & Munhoz, R. F. (2022). Paths to the New High School: tracing a formative itinerary on an adaptive platform. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(3), 9–15.