Herbal oils in healthcare: a review
Medicinal and aromatic plants, Essential oil, Phytotherapy, HealthcareAbstract
The herbal medicine market has grown considerably as an alternative currently used for the application of plants in the treatment of various diseases. In this environment, studies on the bioactivity of essential oils and the search for those that have antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antioxidant properties and also oils that can inhibit key enzymes are highlighted. However, research on the use of plants in the pharmaceutical industry, chemical composition of native species and possible biological activities are still scarce. Therefore, studies for the knowledge of native species with therapeutic potential gain great relevance. This study carried out a review of the research already done on essential oils from species with potentially promising biological activities for the contribution of the sustainable use of biodiversity and the relevance of their medicinal potential.
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