Investigative experimentation as a possibility for teaching mathematics


  • Maico Tailon Silva da Silva Universidade Federal do Pará (PPDOC/ICEN/UFPA), Belém – PA, Brasil.
  • Lucas Ferreira Rodrigues Universidade Federal do Pará (PPDOC/ICEN/UFPA), Belém – PA, Brasil



Teaching strategies, Similarity of triangles


Countless teaching strategies have been elaborated and tried out in an attempt to present the students with an immersion in scientific knowledge within their possibilities, in the sense of giving them the opportunity to carry out investigations on practical aspects in the educational context, encouraging them to be participatory agents in the construction of their own knowledge. In these terms, the study presented here aims to point out the relations of knowledge construction developed by the daily practices of teaching-learning in non-formal spaces, having as its main focus, an experience based on the experience of students of the 9th year of elementary school in a municipal school located in the municipality of Cachoeira do Arari, in the archipelago of Ilha do Marajó, in the State of Pará. The present proposal is based on a qualitative approach, with the historical-epistemological methodological resource for the approach of scientific and mathematical knowledge, in addition to the experiential analyzes related to a didactic situation constituted by the link between student, knowledge and teacher. As a teaching proposal, we developed a pedagogical action for learning Triangle Similarity, being remotely oriented according to Ordinance nº 343, of March 17, 2020, which determined the social isolation caused by the New Corona virus Pandemic, ( SARS-CoV-2), using the technologies available to students. As a result, we realized that the approach used led us to significant achievements, which, according to the students' own reports, the way in which the action research took place in practice, was attractive and thought-provoking, enabling greater engagement and understanding in the construction of good learnings.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. T. S. da, & Rodrigues , L. F. (2022). Investigative experimentation as a possibility for teaching mathematics. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(8), 33–41.