Sustainable management of native flora at a Higher Education Institution


  • Catalina del Socorro Vidal-Cornelio Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico Campus Comalcalco, Carretera vecinal, Paraiso - Comalcalco KM2, RA Occidente 3ra sección, 86650 Comalcalco, Tabasco, Mexico
  • Baltazar Sanchez-Diaz Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico Campus Comalcalco, Carretera vecinal, Paraiso - Comalcalco KM2, RA Occidente 3ra sección, 86650 Comalcalco, Tabasco, Mexico
  • Yareli Naythel Bolaina-Lorenzo Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico Campus Comalcalco, Carretera vecinal, Paraiso - Comalcalco KM2, RA Occidente 3ra sección, 86650 Comalcalco, Tabasco, Mexico
  • Fernando Perez-Marquez Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico Campus Comalcalco, Carretera vecinal, Paraiso - Comalcalco KM2, RA Occidente 3ra sección, 86650 Comalcalco, Tabasco, Mexico
  • Raul Enrique Islas-Jesus Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico Campus Comalcalco, Carretera vecinal, Paraiso - Comalcalco KM2, RA Occidente 3ra sección, 86650 Comalcalco, Tabasco, Mexico
  • Fidel Olive-Hernandez Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico Campus Comalcalco, Carretera vecinal, Paraiso - Comalcalco KM2, RA Occidente 3ra sección, 86650 Comalcalco, Tabasco, Mexico



sustainable development, climate change, trees, plants


The promotion of environmental care is essential in the education of higher education students. Globally, the United Nations guarantees the right to a healthy environment, which promotes environmental education and sustainability. This project is aligned with SDG 15 of the 2030 Agenda, which seeks the conservation and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems, contributing to biodiversity protection and sustainable management of natural resources. The main objective is to promote and conserve green areas within the TecNM Campus Comalcalco, involving the technological community in creating a plant nursery. The study was carried out at the Institute, where a botanical garden was implemented and dasometric measurements were taken of 144 trees in the green areas of the institution. Students from different careers were involved in the installation of the botanical garden and the propagation of 89 plant species, using techniques such as cuttings, seeds, and seedlings. The creation of the botanical garden involved the entire community of the Institute, and its impact transcended the institution with workshops and plant donations to the local community. Plants were donated to the community at academic events and fairs, promoting environmental awareness beyond the Institute. In terms of the trees sampled, five species of major ecological importance were identified: Tabebuia rosea, Samanea samán, Ceiba pentandra, Persea americana, and Cedrela odorata. The largest trees, such as Samanea samán and Ceiba pentandra, showed the highest amount of biomass and carbon stored, with an average of 12,565.23 Mg. ha-1 of biomass and 6,282.61 MgC.ha-1 of carbon for Samanea samán. The botanical garden is projected as an educational and conservation resource that can be replicated in other educational settings and homes, extending its impact in time and space.


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How to Cite

Vidal-Cornelio, C. del S., Sanchez-Diaz, B., Bolaina-Lorenzo, Y. N., Perez-Marquez, F., Islas-Jesus, R. E., & Olive-Hernandez, F. (2025). Sustainable management of native flora at a Higher Education Institution. Brazilian Journal of Science, 4(2), 25–38.



Environmental Sciences