Determination of the environmental impacts of gold mining within the scope of the circular economy: Applications of the new economic model of the European Union




direct economy, circular economy, gold mining, environmental impacts, cyanide, water pollution


Following the Industrial Revolution wastes generated in the production and consumption processes have emerged as disruptive elements to ecosystems and threats to the safety of future generations. Resources are finite, limiting the ability to sustain the cycle for a sustainable future. With increasing population and industrial development, the single-use lifestyle of “take, use, discard” has become a significant problem in direct economic strategies. The European Union has led the way in waste management with its circular economy strategy, aiming to 'do more with less' as a long-term approach to economic growth. Today, companies in various industries must set an example for environmental awareness, lifestyle, and consumption habits in society to shift positively. This study focuses on the gold mining sector. Its objective is to examine and evaluate the impact of cyanide used in the purification process on groundwater and surface water resources. A sample facility was selected for analysis. Monthly environmental reports from 2015-2016 were obtained for this facility, allowing the study to examine the effects of cyanide on water sources by comparing available analysis results with the relevant national legislation. As a result, it was found that the cyanide levels at the treatment plant outlet and waste storage facility did not exceed the committed limits, and continuous pollution was not observed in the monitoring wells drilled to assess groundwater contamination.


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How to Cite

Avşar, E., Akkoy, S., & Kiliç, R. (2024). Determination of the environmental impacts of gold mining within the scope of the circular economy: Applications of the new economic model of the European Union. Brazilian Journal of Science, 3(12), 28–41.



Environmental Sciences