Consumer willingness to buy products with geographical origin (PGO) and protected designation of origin (PDI): A review




consumers, willingness, products with geographical origin, protected designation of origin


This scientific review explores the factors influencing consumer willingness to purchase products with geographical origin (PGO) and protected designation of origin (PDI) over the past twenty-five years. It examines consumer behavior, perceived value, marketing strategies, and the impacts of ethical and environmental considerations and more specifically how the consumers are willing to consume products from protected designation of origin compared with the other products that exist in markets. The review integrates findings from recent peer-reviewed studies, surveys, and reports, offering a comprehensive analysis of consumer attitudes toward PGO/PDI products. In conclusion, the consumers are willing to buy the PGO and PDI products if there is a better price and marketing presentation.


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How to Cite

Dafni, M. F., & Likudis, Z. (2024). Consumer willingness to buy products with geographical origin (PGO) and protected designation of origin (PDI): A review . Brazilian Journal of Science, 3(10), 1–6.