The impact of STEAM education using robotics on the executive function of typical and ADHD students along with developmental exploration
Educational robotics, executive functions, STEAM, ADHDAbstract
Educational Robotics (ER) is a novel learning approach renowned mostly for its effects on scientific academic disciplines such as science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM). According to recent research, ER can also influence cognitive development by increasing critical reasoning and planning abilities. The purpose of this study was to quantify the potential of ER to empower Executive Functions (EF), including the ability to govern, update, and program information. Executive Function (EF) refers to a complex set of cognitive control processes required for adaptive daily functioning. EFs are more predictive of intellectual progress, health, wealth, and quality of life over the life span than IQ or socioeconomic position. Evidence suggests that EFs can be divided into three core capacities (working memory, inhibition, and shifting), which work together to support higher-order cognitive processing (e.g., planning, problem solving) required to stay on track, resist contrary impulses and distraction, and pursue more-positive (rather than most-immediate) outcomes. Given the importance of EFs, there is a growing interest in enhancing them. The current study sought also to validate the ER's efficacy on EF in children with ADHD.
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