Effect of manure originating from the composting process on Phaseolus vulgaris culture


  • Nael Moreira Barbosa UniBRAS University Center of Sudoeste Goiano, UniBRAS, Rio Verde, State of Goiás, Brazil
  • Elizabete Nunes da Rocha UniBRAS University Center of Sudoeste Goiano, UniBRAS, Rio Verde, State of Goiás, Brazil




composting, organic waste, nutrients, plant development, sustainability


Manure is still a serious environmental problem. However, studies have been developing ways to use this highly polluting effluent to benefit sustainable agriculture. This study aimed to verify, through liquid manure produced by an alternative compost, its use as a biofertilizer in the development and analysis of parameters of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) cv. BRS FC 402. The manure was prepared from organic residues of vegetables, legumes and leaves. Different doses of manure were applied by spraying after germination of the common bean, totaling 3 applications with intervals of 15 days. After applications, vegetative parameters were analyzed for stem diameter, number of leaves, plant height, root length, number of pods, fresh and dry mass in P. vulgaris. The results demonstrate that there was no significant increase between the different manure dosages in comparison with the control for all vegetative parameters analyzed. Still, it was observed that the stem diameter and number of leaves is impaired in all applied manure concentrations. This was a pilot study for this cv. of Phaseolus vulgaris, future studies should be carried out evaluating physicochemical characteristics of the soil and manure, its influence on the disposition of minerals, influence of stabilized pH and acid in natura and lower and higher dosages than usual.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, N. M., & Rocha, E. N. da. (2023). Effect of manure originating from the composting process on Phaseolus vulgaris culture. Brazilian Journal of Science, 2(11), 51–59. https://doi.org/10.14295/bjs.v2i11.429



Agrarian and Biological Sciences