The manager's challenges related to his role in school education at the Brolhos da Terra Indigenous School




School Management, Indigenous School, Community


The article aims to investigate the main challenges of the manager related to his role in indigenous school education at the Brolhos da Terra Indigenous School, valuing the effective participation of the various segments of the school community - parents, students, teachers and employees, thus ensuring, democracy that seeks a fundamental presupposition of management, which is to be community. The text will be divided into sections, where the first section will talk about Relevant aspects of school community participation practices in democratic management, then about Democratic School Management, then about Participatory Planning, ending on the challenges of managers in current schools. We could observe that the school works on the local ethnic valorization, giving importance to the values ​​passed on from generation to generation, which to this day remain in the curriculum, as indigenous schools are the result of a struggle that is directly reflected in the school context. Therefore, according to the data collected in this research, we conclude that the teaching of culture in the educational process of indigenous schools is always involved in the daily lives of students.


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How to Cite

Souza, M. da P. C. de, & Lima, F. A. de. (2022). The manager’s challenges related to his role in school education at the Brolhos da Terra Indigenous School. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(9), 30–38.