Influence of ripeners on RTS accumulation in sugarcane f. Poaceae


  • Lucas Noronha da Silva University Center of Southwest Goiano, UniBRAS, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil
  • Daniel Noe Coaguila Nuñez University Center of Southwest Goiano, UniBRAS, Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil



maturation, sugar total recoverable, Saccharum spp


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of chemical ripeners on the gain in reduction total sugars (RTS) in sugarcane. The experiment was carried out on second-cut ratoon cane, variety CIACSP95-5094 at Campolina Farm, municipality of Edéia, Goiás State, Brazil, in the year 2022. The experimental design used was randomized blocks with five replications, distance between blocks was one row of planting, each plot was formed by eight rows spaced 1.5 m between rows, by ten meters in length. The products applied in the treatments consisted of: Sulfometuron Methyl with an application of 0.02 kg ha-1, Moddus® with an application of 1000 mL ha-1, Riper® with an application of 0.150 mL ha-1 and the control in natura maturation. The evaluation started 21 days after the application (DAA) of the chemical ripeners. For evaluation, ten tillers per plot were cut to be taken to the laboratory where the technological analysis was carried out, observing the RTS parameter. According to the results obtained in this experiment, it can be concluded that there was no significant increase in the content of reduction total sugars (RTS), although the product Sulfometurom Methyl® provided numerically greater accumulation of RTS in relation to the other ripening agents.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. N. da, & Nuñez, D. N. C. (2023). Influence of ripeners on RTS accumulation in sugarcane f. Poaceae. Brazilian Journal of Science, 2(1), 1–6.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences