Phytochemical prospecting, bixin content and allelopathic activity of Bixa orellana L.
Glycine max, Zea mays, carotenoids, tannins, phytosterolsAbstract
Bixa orellana seeds have a high bixin content in a thin outer layer. It is known that some carotenoids have an allelopathic action on seeds of vegetables. The objective of this study was to carry out, through qualitative phytochemical prospecting, to determine the bixin content quantitatively and to evaluate, from the aqueous and 95% ethanolic extracts of crushed B. orellana seeds, the allelopathic effect on two seeds of large cultures. B. orellana seeds were crushed and the extracts produced. Phytochemical prospecting was performed qualitatively where positive results were determined by color change and background body formation in different reagents. The bixin content was determined by ultraviolet spectroscopy and expressed as a percentage. The allelopathic activity was determined at different concentrations of 95% aqueous and ethanolic extract on Glycine max and Zea mays seeds. Positive results were obtained for several phytochemical groups such as flavonoids, tannins, sugars, carotenoids, aliphatic compounds and coumarins, the bixin content was 1.32% and 3.68% in both extracts produced from annatto seeds (aqueous and ethanolic 95%), respectively. The aqueous extract proved to be non-significant on the germination rate in G. max and Z. mays, although it was shown to influence root size in both species. The 95% ethanolic extract, on the other hand, proved to be highly effective on allelopathic activity for both the germination index and root development in the target species. The aqueous and 95% ethanolic extracts of Bixa orellana showed richness of extractable phytocompounds, in bixin content and with efficacy on allelopathic activity.
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