Effects of Agri Gold® (Ascophyllum nodosum) biostimulant on growth and development of soybean
Ascophyllum genus, biostimulants, Glycine max, phenological stagesAbstract
The soybean crop may present variation in soil and climate conditions, which can negative influence the initial development of seedlings. Therefore, biostimulants can serve as an alternative to enhanced the initial development. In order to improve the performance of these crops, the use of biostimulants has grown, mainly because it is an alternative to the use of mineral fertilizers and because it is an ecologically correct options. Thus, the objective was to verify the effect of Agri Gold® in foliar application on the components of soybean yield. The experiment was carried out at Instituto Federal Goiano Campus Rio Verde – GO, Brazil, in the 2021/22 harvest. The treatments were composed taking into account the application of biostimulant in foliar application. Evaluations were performed such as: plant height, number of pod insertion, number of leaves, number of reproductive nodes, number of pods, dry matter, weight of one thousand grains and production per bag. Based on the results found, it was possible to conclude that treatments used did not significantly influence the variables evaluated, so more studies are needed to corroborate or refute the results found in this study.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Adriana Vieira da Silva, Christiano Lima Lobo de Andrade, Fernando Rodrigues Cabral Filho, Marconi Batista Teixeira, Tarimar Martins Ferreira, Matheus Vinicius Abadia Ventura

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