Using Python Simulation to Teach Drag Force to a High School Class




Physics teaching, Drag force, Simulations, Python language


During high school students are introduced to Newtonian mechanics, however many situations are simplified, such as the disregard of the drag force. These simplifications, however, when done improperly, can harm learning, reinforcing misconceptions. To enable significant learning about the drag force, a simulation about the phenomenon of free fall was elaborated, using the Python programming language and its graphic library, Vpython. The results of the remote application of the didactic sequence (DS) based on Ausubel's theory of significant learning, present evidence of the positive contribution of Python in the teaching and learning process of the knowledge of the study of movement, to teach drag force.


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How to Cite

Conceição, C. P. D. da, & Admiral, T. D. (2022). Using Python Simulation to Teach Drag Force to a High School Class. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(10), 64–73.