The occurrence of Cavia aperea (Exerbelen, 1777) in a stationary forest of the Bahian Cerrado




São Francisco river, Brazilian Ginea pig, Semi-deciduos forest


The Cavia aperea species has a wide distribution in Brazil, which makes it categorized as Least Concern by the IUCN, it is a 25 cm rodent, gray in color. Although it is possible to find it in a large part of the country, the literature does not mention the Bahia portion of the São Francisco River basin as a place of occurrence. After finding a group of the species in a semi-deciduous forest of the Cerrado of Bahia, the literature was searched to suggest, based on the characteristics of forests in its area of ​​occurrence, a new distribution map of the species.


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How to Cite

Brito, L. de J. M. de. (2022). The occurrence of Cavia aperea (Exerbelen, 1777) in a stationary forest of the Bahian Cerrado. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(10), 34–36.



Agrarian and Biological Sciences