Evaluation of radish tubers (Raphanus sativus) Brassicaceae submitted to different doses of Si (Plus, GigaMix®)
Raphanus genus, Crop, Horticultural, Leaf analysis, FoodsAbstract
Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element on Earth, being responsible for several benefits to plants, such as root development, aerial part, increase in photosynthetic rates and protection of plants against phytopathogens. The study aimed to evaluate different plant parameters in three radish cultivars (Long Scarlet Short Top “Long Red”, Comet and Round) at different doses of Silicon. Three varieties of radishes were used. Different doses of Si with 8% (g kg-1) were tested for shoot and tuber development. The results showed that both the control and the Si dosages were not significant for the parameters number of leaves and fresh and dry mass of the shoot. As for the tuber diameter and weight parameters in the three cultivars, the response doses were significant even at the lowest concentration of 13.5 g kg-1 and maximum performance at the highest concentration of 75 g kg-1, except for the Comet variety that presented greater weight in the intermediate concentration of 53.5 g kg-1 with 17.83 g. The response doses containing 8% of Si in the evaluated formula showed, in this study, excellent suitability for use applied directly in the soil on the three radish cultivars with a significant increase on the variable diameter and fresh weight.
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