Psychosocial Analysis of Violence against the LGBT+ Community




LGBTphobia, Violence, Psychology, Mental health


Violence is a serious public health problem that undermines the biopsychosocial well- being of victims and, consequently, causes significant economic and social impacts. However, some social groups, such as those considered stigmatized, are more vulnerable to often suffering violent acts. An example of this we may mention Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite, Transsexual and Transgender (LGBTs) community. The reality of this group colours manifestations of prejudice and discrimination due to their gender identity and sexual orientation, which differ from the existing heteronormative standards. Brazil is the country that concentrates more than half of the murders in the world against Individuals LGBTs, so it is the one that commits crimes against sexual minorities. Taking into account the social context in which this community is, the stress experienced by these individuals results in negative impacts on physical and mental health, as well as on quality of life. It is important that health professionals, especially those in Psychology, are attentive and prepared to host and provide qualified support to this group according to their mental health demands and needs. Considering the ideas presented, this article aims to identify the social and psychological impacts that affect the LGBT+ community as a result of the violence suffered, based on the Literature review of the authors such as: Toledo and Pinafi; Perucchi, Brandão and Vieira; Albuquerque et al. ; and Francisco et al.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, M. S. P. de ., Nascimento , H. L. do ., & Meneses , Érika S. de A. (2022). Psychosocial Analysis of Violence against the LGBT+ Community. Brazilian Journal of Science, 1(9), 49–55.