Application of fungicides in the vegetative stage of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]: Mini-review
Fungicides, Soybean cultivation, Fungal diseases, Fungal resistanceAbstract
The significant growth of soybean cultivation [Glycine max (L.) Merrill], and the expansion of agriculture throughout Brazil, which occurred during the period of evidence of the industrial policy of import substitution, placed the product as an ideal crop to supply the global demand was growing. Several diseases have already been reported in soybeans, but the incidence and severity depend on some factors, such as climate, cultivars, pathogen inoculum potential, soil structure and fertility, and plant vigor, among others. The disease scenario in soybean crops in Brazil has been changing every year, with an increase in the severity of some diseases, both in the aerial part and those caused by soil-dwelling fungi. The use of resistant cultivars can be adopted and is the most efficient way to control diseases. However, even with adequate management, it is necessary to apply fungicides. For more efficient disease management, it is important to know the effectiveness of the main fungicides used in the crop, in terms of their ability to reduce the progress of the disease in the field; selecting the most efficient fungicides for management. The results of the study demonstrated that fungicides positioned in different application programs reduce the incidence of fungal diseases and improve productivity.
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