Performance of soybean cultivars for the Rio Verde region, Goiás, Brazil - 1st season




Glycine max, Legumes, Cultivars, Soybean production, I2X, CE, IPRO Technologies


The study of soybean genotypes for different regions of Brazil is of great interest among researchers, rural producers, and seed companies. The experiment was conducted in the municipality of Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil, in the IF Goiano experimental area. The study aimed to evaluate the adaptation and performance of 10 soybean cultivars in the region. The cultivars were sown and grown under adverse climatic conditions in the field, ensuring that cultural treatments were the same for all cultivars. Vegetative, reproductive, and post-harvest parameters were evaluated. Soybean plants were evaluated at different stages of the growth cycle, with emphasis on the parameters: number of branches, plant height, pod insertion height, and number of reproductive nodes. For post-harvest, grain moisture, thousand-grain weight, and grain weight per plant were evaluated. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test with (p < 0.05). Cultivars with different technologies I2X, CE, IPRO, and E showed good production performance aiming for high productivity in the 1st planting. Although for the number of plants per ha-1, the cultivars Tormenta and Supera demonstrated superior results and for productivity the cultivars Ellas Paula, Ellas Dani, Ellas Manu, and HO Guapó obtained greater productivity gains per bag of 60 kg ha-1, generating a mass of a thousand grains exceeding 100 g-1 and grain mass per plant exceeding 15 g-1.


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How to Cite

Alves, W. N., Assis, R. B. de, Andrade, C. L. L. de, & Cabral Filho, F. R. (2024). Performance of soybean cultivars for the Rio Verde region, Goiás, Brazil - 1st season. Cerrado: Agricultural and Biological Research, 1(2), 30–38.