Toxic effect of metals (Al, Cd, Pb, Cr, and Fe) in soybean experiment (Glycine max L.) IPRO technology




Heavy metals, Glycine genus, Aluminum, Cadmium, Lead, Iron, Toxicity


Soil contamination by heavy metals is a serious environmental and agricultural problem. Among the toxic metals, aluminum, cadmium, lead, chromium, and iron represent production problems for agriculture around the world. This study aimed to evaluate the tolerance to Al, Cd, Pb, Cr, and Fe in the vegetative phase of the NEO 790 IPRO cultivar. Different concentrations of 0, 35, 85, and 125 mg L-1 were prepared and added to the soil. The parameters evaluated were percentage of germination, plant length, root length, aerial and root fresh mass, and aerial and root dry mass. Al and Cd presented negative results for some vegetative parameters, being toxic at the concentrations evaluated. Positive effects were obtained for Pb and Cr on other morphological parameters, and for the Fe element, it was possible to observe double suitability as a toxic element in high doses (> 85 mg L-1) and in doses lower than 85 mg L-1 effect stimulator. The NEO 790 IPRO cultivar proved to be resistant in most of the parameters evaluated at the applied doses.


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How to Cite

Silva Neto, J. L. da, Sharma, P., Melo, A. F., Menezes Filho, A. C. P. de, & Ventura, M. V. A. (2024). Toxic effect of metals (Al, Cd, Pb, Cr, and Fe) in soybean experiment (Glycine max L.) IPRO technology. Cerrado: Agricultural and Biological Research, 1(3), 1–13.