Biostimulants and bioactivator in strawberry production (Fragaria vesca L.): Post-harvest production parameters




Fragaria genus, strawberry pseudofruit diameter, ST Pro biostimulant, strawberry culture


Strawberries are classified as pseudofruits and are included in the genus Fragaria. There are several cultivars and hybrids of strawberries, with different lengths, diameters, colors and flavors. This study aimed to evaluate biostimulants and bioactivators in the development of morphological reproductive parameters in Fragaria vesca strawberry pseudofruits. The experiment was carried out in the field in pots, with two biostimulants (Stingray and ST Pro) and a bioactivator (Biozyme) inoculated into strawberry seeds. The evaluation parameters were length, diameter, fresh mass and dry mass of pseudofruits at the commercial maturity stage. The Stingray biostimulant proved to be an excellent biostimulant option with satisfactory results for pseudofruit length with an average of 3.87 cm, average diameter of 2.83 cm and fresh mass with an average of 13.49 g per fruit-1. The biostimulants and bioactivator have positive effects on the strawberry crop (Fragaria vesca).


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How to Cite

Jesus, L. B. V. de, Menezes Filho, A. C. P. de, Sharma, P., Melo, A. F., & Ventura, M. V. A. (2024). Biostimulants and bioactivator in strawberry production (Fragaria vesca L.): Post-harvest production parameters. Cerrado: Agricultural and Biological Research, 1(2), 1–7.