Clerodendron splendens leaf extract supplementation in weaner rabbits: impact on growth performance, haematology and intestinal microbial population
Rabbits, Clerodendron splendens, haematology, food safety, productionAbstract
This experiment was carried out at Sumitra Research Institute, Gujarat, India to investigate the effect of supplementing Clerodendron splendens leaf extract on the growth performance, intestinal microbial population and some heamatological parameters. A total of fifty cross breed male rabbits (New Zealand white × Chinchilla) with initial body weight of 502 ± 0.80 g and weaned at five weeks of age was used for the experiment. On arrival, animals were quarantined for 14 days, stratified based on their body weight and randomly distributed into five groups consisting of 10 rabbits each in a completely randomized design. Experimental diet (basal) which was adequate in all nutrients; rabbits in group 1(G1) was fed basal diet only while G2, G3, G4 and G5 were fed basal diet with Clerodendron splendens leaf extract at 0.2 mL, 0.4 mL, 0.6 mL and 0.8 mL/day respectively. Average daily weight gain and average daily feed intake of rabbits fed 0 mL (control; group 1), 0.2 mL (group 2) were similar to those given 0.4 mL (group 3) and 0.6 mL (group 4) (P > 0.05) but significantly lower than those in group 5 (0.8 mL). Average daily feed intake also increased in rabbits fed 0.8 mL (91.11 g) in group 5 followed by 0.6 mL (89.26 g), 0.4 mL (89.26 g), 0.2 mL (89.17 g) and 0 mL (89.12 g) in group 4, 3, 2 and 1 respectively. Higher mortality of 2 % was recorded in group 1 while none was recorded in the other treatment (P < 0.05). Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus sp., count were significantly (P < 0.05) different among the group. Pack cell volume, haemoglobin, red blood cell, white blood cell, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, lymphocytes and neutrophil count were not significantly (P > 0.05) influenced by the treatment. However, values were within the established range for healthy rabbits. It was concluded that supplementation of Clerodendron splendens leaf extract up to 0.8 mL/day had no negative effect on the performance and health status of rabbits.
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